MDCS Board
Board meetings are generally held as an online video conference. All meetings announcements are made “Happenings” our school newsletter. The link to the meeting is posted with the announcement. The link for the current issue of “Happenings” can be found in the News and Events section at the bottom of our home page.
Special meetings will be announced according to Open Meeting law. Minutes for the most recent, completed school year are in the list of links on this page. Minutes for the current school year are available upon request to the school office. Depending on the meeting schedule, approved meeting minutes are available by request from the school office a month or two following the board meeting. Draft minutes will be provided in the interim between a meeting and approval at the next meeting.
Board Meetings
List of MDCS Board Members
Board Handbook
Most Recent Financial Statements
Minutes from the 2022-2023 School Year

Thank you for your interest in MDCS. Please take some time to visit the classroom pages and see what our students are doing. When you arrive at a classroom page, be sure to click on the teacher’s name to learn more about them. A school is only as good as its staff and ours is excellent. The School Overview and the Directors’ pages have some good background information on our school and charter schools in general. Be sure to check out the Education Outdoors link to see the unique enrichment opportunities we offer our students. Please do not hesitate to call our school office with any questions you may have.
To learn more about the school and get some guidance on the way we’ve structured the site, visit the directors’ page.
You can reach out to the board by emailing us here: